For those who are keeping track of our travel, the following schedule gives the calendar details. You will note once we are in Sudan the calendar is fairly open. We do know that we will be there during (and to help with) a major celebration for the school. We understand local officials, dignitaries and SIM officers will be in attendance. We think the celebration will take place around February 11, near the end of our stay. There are lots of things we plan to accomplish while in Yabus and Doro, but those will be on God’s time. That’s a good attitude to adopt when in Sudan. Social interaction takes precedence over agendas and schedules. It will take a mental adjustment for us “westerners” who are oft driven by our “to do” lists and rely on the clock and schedules in our everyday life. My hope is that we will be able to update the blog frequently to keep you posted on how that adjustment is going.
Calenberg Team Schedule:
Sunday, January 25: Southern team contingent flies to Seattle. Joins rest of team to depart to Amsterdam.
Monday, January 26: Arrive in Amsterdam, 2.5 hour layover, and then fly to Nairobi
Tuesday, January 27: Day in Nairobi at SIM guest house or other accommodations
Thursday, January 29: transport to Lokichoggio, Kenya (near Sudanese border) and stay night there or (see next day)
Friday, January 30: transfer to smaller plane and fly into Yabus. Part of team continues on to Doro.
Friday, January 30 through Wednesday, February 11, in Yabus and/or Doro
Wednesday, February 11, school Celebration (eat goat!)
Friday, February 13, leave Yabus for Lokichoggio, Kenya then transfer and fly to Nairobi
Saturday, February 14 (Valentine’s Day), Sunday, February 15, in Nairobi
Sunday, February 15, evening, leave Nairobi for Amsterdam
Monday, February 16, Amsterdam, 7.5 hour layover, leave for Seattle, arrive Seattle in afternoon. Southern team contingent flies to Portland after 2 hour layover.
Eli's sermon
2 months ago
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