Saturday, January 3, 2009

Team Member: Andrew

This is my 4th overseas medical mission trip. In my prior trips, I went to a capital city in a Muslim country where I provided anesthesia for pediatric eye surgeries. We gave the blind children a chance to improve their vision through corrective surgeries. My eyes were opened to the mission field from the experiences of these trips! In working alongside the missionaries, I witnessed how they used their skills to heal physically, and at the same time heal spiritually through evangelism and discipleship making. Their humble sacrifice, love for the lost, and obedience to the Great Commission made a great impression on me. From these experiences I realized I could use my professional skills to impact others for God’s Kingdom. I now have a renewed purpose to my Christian life. These trips also inspired me to study what missions meant in the Bible, and I now serve on the Missions Committee at my church (Living Hope Bible).

When Rick Calenberg asked me if I wanted to join this team to go to Sudan, even though I didn’t know anything about the country, this opportunity was an answer to prayer. The country where I served had shut down the NGO, and I have been praying about an opportunity to serve elsewhere. By going on this trip, it will give me an opportunity to learn and serve alongside Rick, as he has been a mentor and a source of encouragement to me in missions.

In Sudan I will be stationed at Doro, where SIM has established a basic health clinic seeing patients with malnutrition, malaria, and various tropical infections. I look forward to seeing what God is doing there and what He will teach me through this trip. I also look forward to learning medicine from the local staff as I have limited knowledge and experience in tropical medicine.

Please pray that God will use my skills to help those in need, and I can be a source of blessing to bring the love of Christ to this war-torn land!

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