Monday, February 9, 2009

To Mrs. Clark's Class

Today in English we gave the students the stories you wrote. They had such large smiles on their faces: they were pleased that you wrote them personal stories. They read them outloud. There were a few new words they learned. Like penguins and peacocks! They wrote thank you letters and this afternoon are practicing their new computer skills by typing a letter in return to you. Not all of the students are able to get to computer class so hopefully we will at least get a hand written note. They have such nice penmanship. Thank you so much for the stories. They are eager to meet new people and learn about the world.

1 comment:

  1. Hey, Friends! I am so glad the students in Sudan enjoyed the correspondence from my students in Pullman. I will share your post with my class tomorrow. They will be happy to know they brought some cheer to Africa. Thanks for facilitating this. All is well here. It snowed a bit today. That probably sounds pretty good to you. Blessings! Stella
