Today was focused much on school. In addition to teaching our last group of students the intro to computer class, Hanna and I took over English class to give Phalice a day to recover. It was so much fun. Cathy did such a good job of caring for her (as she does for all of us). Val helped haul sand up and helped with all the keys and locks. He, as well as the others all pitched in to help the students with the computers. In this class there were a few students who had been on computers before. But most were so new. They are really starting at ground zero. The problem is that they won't have ready access to the computers to practice so it will be slow progress. The computers get very hot and it is dusty around here, no matter how clean we try to keep the room. Not sure how long they will last and the students will be so disspointed if they lose access. Any good ideas about how to prolong their life would be much appreciated.
We don't know how hot it was here today. Kathy's thermometer only goes to 120-degrees and it reached that in no time flat. And so when we weren't teaching we sat on the screened porch and moved as little as possible. Though we are hot it doesn't seem to slow down the locals. All day long the ladies walk by with huge loads of sticks and things on their heads. The children bring fish back from the river. All who pass through are so friendly and stick out their hands to shake, huge smiles on their faces. Men, women, children. All are anxious to greet us. Even the babies.
Just got the word: power is going down. More later.
I forgot how hard this is
4 weeks ago
Praying for strength for you all to complete the task God has called you to do triumphantly. Hebrews 6:10 "God is not unjust; he will not forget your work and the love you have shown Him as you have helped His people and coninue to help them." Ephesians 6:10 "Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power." End Strong! Love, Connie